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Primary School

At The National school, we value every child’s uniqueness and strive to unlock their full potential. We foster a collaborative community that creates an engaging, hands-on learning environment, prioritizing each child’s physical and emotional well-being.


Our mission is simple: every child matters. We’re committed to providing a nurturing space where students can:

– Thrive in a warm and supportive atmosphere, feel loved and valued

– Develop a love for learning through curiosity , exploration and imagination

– Express themselves undauntingly and imagine without limits

– Build confidence, self-esteem and learn core life skills like effective   communication , empathy and teamwork.

By doing so, we aim to create a joyful and inclusive learning environment where every child can grow and bloom.

Assessment /EVALUATION

At our school, assessment is both an informal process and formal process used to inform instruction and guide student improvement. We employ a range of tools to track students’ progress and identify areas for growth, including:

– Class tests and quizzes to keep a continuous track of student’s progress

– Student progress portfolios on our portal to keep a record of students’ progress and achievements

– Observations to monitor students’ behavior, class engagement, and social skills.

_Evaluation via projects, presentations, class participation and group work

_ Formal assessments are taken four times annually  to calibrate students’ learning and prepare them to handle exam pressure,

These assessments enable our teachers to tailor instruction, provide targeted support, and celebrate student successes, ultimately fostering a growth mindset and a love of learning.”

Parental Engagement:

 A Foundation of Home-School Partnership

We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for a child’s success. Teachers stay in touch with parents constantly through whatsapp groups and facilitate the parents.  To foster this partnership, we prioritize:

– Open communication: Sharing knowledge about a child’s needs, activities, interests, and progress

– Regular meetings: Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs) and Individual Parent-Teacher Meetings (IPTMs) provide opportunities to:

    – Review progress in school

 – Discuss social and behavioral issues

By working together, we can ensure a cohesive and supportive environment that benefits each child’s academic, social, and emotional growth.

Blended Experiential   Learning: 

We harness the power of technology to create a dynamic learning environment, blending traditional classroom activities with digital media, functional computer labs, multimedia and hands on activities. At our school, we believe that learning should be a hands-on, engaging experience. Our experienced faculty makes learning fun and interactive, encouraging students to use:

– Interactive whiteboards for immersive, proactive learning experiences

– Access resources and materials and utilize to maximize their learning in a fun way

– Develop essential digital literacy skills

– Engage in collaborative, project-based learning

_Explore their thinking and creativity

– Make connections between subjects and real-life scenarios

By integrating technology and traditional methods, we foster a flexible, inclusive, and engaging learning environment that prepares students for success in the digital world.

Core curriculum:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers key disciplines, including:

– Languages: English, Urdu

– Sciences: Science, 


– Mathematics

–  Computer

– Physical Education

-Social Studies

– Nazra 

State-of-the-art facilities support our students’ learning journey

– Dedicated science and Computer labs

– Sports grounds with experienced coaches

– Well-equipped libraries with a structured reading approach

– Active participation in international contests and inter school competitions

By fostering  the thirst for learning and providing opportunities for growth, we aim at nurturing the champions of the future.

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